Prices of store items may be negotiated and how not to purchase what you don't need.

     The listed price for a product is not always set in stone. The price can change when another store offers the same product at a cheaper price or when you feel the price is too high. Negotiate for a cheaper price, particularly for a higher priced item or when purchasing a large quantity. Even consider negotiating for a discount if you are a repeat customer. The store will benefit from your business and you will receive the item desired at a discount. Since the stores pay credit card companies up to 5% of the purchase, which is already included in the product's price, offer to purchase the product with cash as a bargaining tool. Also, be sure to have proof you are a repeat customer and/or have the cash ready for the purchase if you intend to negotiate.

     For example: Purchasing a car alarm, then returning a couple of months later to purchase a car CD player from the same store from the same sales representative. Mention to the sales representative the previous purchase and then ask for a discount on the current purchase for being a repeat customer. Since the same sales representative is selling the two items, a discount for the current sale may be offered because you are offering repeat business. The sales representative is eager to please the customer!

     Keep in mind, many big name companies/manufacturers produce similar products using different company names but at a cheaper price. Ask a salesperson who makes the product. A familiar name of a reputable company could make you more comfortable in purchasing a similar product at a cheaper price.

     Save on delivery charges for large sized items by borrowing a friend's truck and enlisting aid for moving the item into your home.

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